Extraordinary School Workshops
Thinkers in Education design and deliver specialist school workshops to inspire and challenge students through exciting STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) activities.
Our ‘Adventure, Thriller and Crisis’ themed activity days place students in the heart of an exciting story and unlock unique opportunities to introduce time-effective, exciting and emotive learning experiences.
The level of engagement is extraordinary.
Each event can be delivered as a specialist programme for Able, Gifted and Talented education or as a carefully differentiated version for mixed ability groups.
We have been recommended by every host school for over a decade.
Choose STEM Workshops By Theme
We Believe A Successful Workshop...
• Delivers an extraordinary experience that motivates students
• Inspires teachers with new strategies and techniques for future lessons
• Identifies the strengths of each pupil and provides performance reports
• Develops higher order thinking, team building and communication skills
• Enhances the school’s profile in the eyes of parents and students
• Enriches the content of the programme of study
...it's our core philosophy.
Choose STEM Workshops By Duration
Single Sessions
Five 1-hour sessions for up to 180 pupils/day to give every pupil an exciting hands-on STEM challenge
More InfoDouble Sessions
Two highly focussed 2-hour Sessions for up to 72 pupils/day to provide a deeper STEM experience
More InfoFull-Day Sessions
Deeply immersive 5-hour sessions for up to 36 pupils to develop a huge range of creative and critical thinking
More InfoHoliday Sessions
Host our incredibly detailed 2-5 day CSI or Space Science workshops to truly inspire participants to think better
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Choose These School Events To:
• Ensure AG&T, STEM and Pupil Premium targets are easily achieved
• Save time on planning, preparing and delivering an in-school activity
• Observe effective teaching and assessment techniques in action
• Introduce new teaching resources and specialist equipment
• Host extraordinary events from just £550+VAT
"These events set the highest standard - We measure all other events by the ones TiE deliver"
Lesley Mortimer, Widening Participation Officer, Brunel University, London
Providing a Holiday or Summer School is one of the easiest and most effective ways to offer truly extraordinary STEM workshops and experiences for your able, ambitious or enthusiastic students - as well as those from your feeder schools. Most importantly, they require no extra work for your staff and can cost the school nothing. In fact, a holiday or summer school can actually generate additional income.